single dose vial

Leadership in Infection Prevention: APIC and CBIC

Steve Langan, director of HONOReform, discusses the work of Infection Preventionists
Steve Langan, director of HONOReform, discusses the work of Infection Preventionists

Educating the public and reeducating providers on the absolute importance of injection safety has always been, and will always be, at the heart of our mission. We are grateful to representatives of APIC—the Association for Professionals and Infection Control and Epidemiology—and CBIC—the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology—for continuing to be the standard bearers of all aspects of healthcare associated infection prevention. This includes infections that are transmitted when a healthcare worker violates one or more injection safety principles. Read more

A New Infographic to guide Healthcare Workers

Evelyn and Tom McKnight had the privilege of presenting to the Central Illinois Chapter of the Association of Professionals in Infection Control last week. Here four infection preventionists discuss the new infographic that gives guidance on the single dose/multidose vial issue. See the infographic at

“You need someone to advocate for you” – Ron Noecker’s story

Ron Noecker is an oncology nurse, currently living in Antigua, Guatemala. Here he shares his concern for injection safety as a patient and as a nurse.

Hello, my name is Ron Noecker. I’m a radiation oncology nurse and I have a little story to tell you that made me aware of how important it is to be aware of injection safety practices. Read more